Meet the Minds Behind Hammer Design Build Remodel:

A Candid Interview on Redefining Remodeling Spaces in Washington DC Area. 
Who: Jorge Castellanos, Johanna Nguyen, and Greg Buitrago of Hammer Design Build Remodel
Where: Washington, D.C.

In Castellanos’ own words: “We want to keep our clients in the project’s driver’s seat throughout the process.”
Remodeling your home is an exciting journey, filled with the promise of new spaces, modern designs, and a fresh start. However, as Jorge Castellanos, the marketing director of Hammer Design Build Remodel, candidly points out, “It is also dusty, tough, and stressful.” His team, comprising skilled professionals Johanna Nguyen and Greg Buitrago, is dedicated to minimizing these challenges while delivering a home you’ll cherish now and in the future.

Fiding the Right Blend

The heart of any successful whole house renovation lies in the delicate balance of luxurious design, functionality, and budget. Johanna Nguyen, Hammer’s design director, draws her inspiration from the joy of satisfied homeowners. She encourages clients to remain open to diverse high-end kitchen designs and contemporary bathroom renovations that may not align perfectly with their initial vision. “Perfection is the art of balancing the design between your needs, aesthetics, functionality, and budget,” Nguyen explains. Her philosophy is rooted in the belief that a flexible approach often leads to the most harmonious and satisfying outcomes.

Accomplishing Your Goals

Greg Buitrago, a founder partner and seasoned designer at Hammer, emphasizes the personal significance of a remodel, particularly when it involves major investments like additions or luxury outdoor projects. He understands that it’s a major investment, both financially and emotionally, for homeowners. “It’s a good thing to ask a lot of questions,” Buitrago advises, highlighting the importance of clear communication and understanding throughout the process. His role is to ensure that every decision aligns with the homeowner’s vision while providing expert guidance and education. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of security and confidence, essential for a smooth and successful remodeling experience.

Keeping Clients in the Driver’s Seat

At Hammer Design Build Remodel, the client’s involvement is paramount. Jorge Castellanos and his team strive to keep homeowners in control, making them an integral part of the decision-making process. This client-centric philosophy not only enhances the overall experience but also ensures that the final outcome truly reflects the homeowner’s desires and lifestyle.

Transforming Homes, Enhancing Lives  

Remodeling is more than just altering a physical space; it’s about transforming lives and creating environments that inspire and comfort. The Hammer team’s commitment to excellence, combined with their personalized approach, sets them apart in the competitive landscape of Washington, D.C. high-end residential remodeling.


Whether you’re looking to modernize your kitchen, create a luxurious bathroom retreat, or reimagine your entire home, Hammer Design Build Remodel is dedicated to making your vision a reality. By balancing creativity with practicality and keeping you involved every step of the way, they ensure a remodeling experience that is as rewarding as the final result.

Embark on your remodeling journey with confidence, knowing that with Hammer Design Build Remodel, you’re in capable and caring hands. Read more of this interview here.

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